Star carried David on their first trail ride in 2008.
Why She Needed Us:
Star of the Bar had been shipped to an auction to be sold in Washington State. David, visiting friends, attended the auction and helped bring back four horses! Star was one of the “stars” of the sale and attracted the second highest bid. Her grandfather was Doc Bar.
Eventually, the family purchasing Star lost interest in her so David took over lifetime care. Patriot and Indy joined Star in the herd until time for David to return home. When David, Patriot, and Indy traveled across the USA back home to Alabama, Star stayed behind because grandparents of two young girls who had lost their mom to illness wanted Star to help the girls heal.
They promised to call when Star needed a new home. They kept their promise. The grandmother called when the grandfather became ill with Parkinson’s Disease. David and Cowgirl drove truck and trailer 5,000 miles round trip to northern Washington State to bring Star to “Sweet Home Alabama” in 2015.
Star, Patriot, and Indy reunited and returned to old roles. Even though Indy had become bigger and stronger than Star, he returned to treating her with respect as his adoptive mare.
5000 Miles to Bring My Horse to Sweet Home Alabama by Dr. David Dyson
Her life at Compassion Ranch:
Star is queen of the herd. The alpha horses Patriot and Indy respect her. She took care of Indy when he was a young colt and his mare was taken away early.
Her needs and service and sponsorship:
- Grass and hay
- Blend of senior feed and low sugar and carb feed
- Grooming and hoof cleaning weekly
Pinterest Board: TBA