Each animal has a story of challenge and victory
getting second chances and inspiring people.
The Animals of Compassion Ranch (PDF)
Each animal needs food and care, shelter and space, purpose and love. Volunteers, donors, staff, and people visiting in person and online drive the Compassion Ranch program to care for animals and inspire more care from people.
Compassion Ranch is one of three key nonprofit programs of 501 c3 nonprofit Life Leaders Institute. The other programs–Plan for Life and Patriotism in Action–complement by helping people write plans for school and 7 areas of life, including how to develop and live with desired character traits and personal leadership habits. Patriotism in Action leads on history and character education associated with starting America’s Veterans Day in Alabama, plus leads the Pledge of Allegiance for events at the ranch, often supported by horses who bow.
Student development improvement is key to improving animal care, first by stopping abuse and abandonment. Former children and students become adults, and some abandon animals.
Online and in person, we can influence future animal care givers. You can have impact with us.
Join us or learn more: Dr. David Dyson
Donate to support feeding an animal or group each month.
Sponsor a program for students.
Share your bucket list goal or idea we may do together.
48 Animals have been part of Compassion ranch:
Name, year born (or guess), year came home:
- Star of the Bar, Quarter Horse: 2003, sold at auction, needed permanent home. DDD 2007
- Patriot aka American Patriot aka Anakus Flynn, Morgan: 2001, elderly owner wanted good home for him. DDD 2007
- Indy aka Indian Legend, Paint: 2008, born to mare rescued from “kill pen”, not wanted at birth. DDD 2008
- Cocoa: mare of Cody circa 35 years, RIP 2017.
- Cody: 2000, previous farm owners Francis and Jean Bryant died. DDD boarded 2017.
- Princess Katie: 2010, boarded Steve & Pam Bryant 2017.
- June aka Granny, donkey: 1995, owner died, DDD 2010
- Jill aka Baby, donkey: 2010, owner died, DDD 2010
- Honk, donkey: 1995, farm owners Francis and Jean Bryant died, stayed with DDD 2017
- Scarlett Baye: 2010, rescue from starvation & foster care Parmley, then Triple D 2019
- Spirit: 2017, neglected without winter hay, rescue 2019
- Storm: 2018, neglected without winter hay, rescue 2019
- Crockett aka Davy Crockett: 1996, owner died, needed lifetime home, sponsored by Terry Slaughter 2020
- Lancelot aka Lex & Caspian: 2010, rescued from starvation by Deputy Sheriff, Two by Two, DDD 2020
- Braveheart aka Lou & Twister: 2014, rescued from starvation by Sheriff, 2020
- July: 1997, Shetland Pony, abscessed hooves not trimmed in 5-10 years, rescue by Two by Two & Triple D 2020
- Wounded Warrior aka Spaniard: 2015, rescued from near starvation 150 pounds underweight 2022.
- Hank the Tank: retired military working equine from Arlington National Cemetery & Ft. Myer, 2023.
- Lincoln: retired military working equine, 2023.
20. Cowgirl: dog rescued 2015. RIP.
21. Lady Bug: Jack Russell mix, 2010, rescued 2015. RIP.
22. Buck: Pyrenees/Retriever dog rescued 2015. RIP.
23. Chief: Shepherd, 2018, abandoned, rescued 2018
24. Annie Oakley: 2018, owners arrested, homeless, 2020
25. Cowboy: Husky/Australian Shepherd, 2018, rescued 2020
26. Triple D: Labrador-Husky, 2020, rescue 2022
27. Rambo: dog tied to tree rescued 2020. RIP.
28. Charlie: Chocolate Lab, 2020, rescue from euthanasia 2023
29. Gipper aka Chipper, 2019, rescue from being shot ’23
30. Night aka Mama Cat: 2010, feral, rescued 2010
31. Midnight, 2011, feral, 2011
32. Bella: born feral, rescued 2011. RIP
33. Panther
34. Tux, born feral, rescued 2011
35. Diamond aka Spike
36. Angel.
37. StarCat: born feral, rescued 2011. RIP
38. Stormy Magic: 2022, rescue from pipe 2022
39. Tabitha Socks; 2022, rescue from pipe 2022
40. Tessee Chaton, 2022, rescued & surrendered 2022
41. Daggers, 2010, adopted 2023
42. Nat, 2010, adopted 2023
43. Scarlet, 2015, adopted 2023
44. Frankie Feline, 2017, adopted 2023
45. Billy Pygmy: 2019; surrendered/adopted 2021 RIP 2024
46. Johnny Cash: 2019; adopted for Billy, lived 100 days RIP
47. Bendi Goat: 2020, surrendered/adopted 2021
48. Wilbur, 2020, abandoned/roaming, adopted 2023.
“The godly care for their animals,
but the wicked are always cruel.”

Proverbs 12:10